Thanks goes to my gorgeous friend Alex, as it was in conversation with her that the idea for this video blog arose.
She was saying how her friend was struggling with her toddler because hiss schedule had slipped over the Christmas holidays and that he had been going to bed much later and waking up much later, which had worked really well for Mum and Dad over the break. Now that everyone was back at work and into the 9 - 5 schedule again, trying to get her little boy to go to bed earlier was proving frustrating to say the least. There were tears, tantrums and night wakings!
If you weren't lucky enough to catch my Christmas Survival Guide, then you could be in a similar situation where you're struggling to get your kids sleep back on track. In this video blog, I give you 5 tips that will help you get your pre Christmas schedule back and restore harmony to your home.
If you have any other tips you want to share on getting back on track in January then please post below or go ahead and share this blog if you have some friends that you know are struggling.