Sleep falls to pieces at nursery, what can I do?

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Today’s question is about naps at nursery.

It’s a tricky one as there is only so much you can do as ultimately, it’s out of your control but here are my top tips…

  • Understand the exact set up with nursery. Where they sleep, what time, how do they fall asleep etc. Once you can understand the process, you can see where you child might be struggling.
  • Communication. Chat with your child’s room leader or key worker about the challenges with sleep at nursery and share the impact it’s having. Ask for their opinion and what they think they can do to help. Can they resettle if they wake up after 30mins, can they be put down first because they’re super tired after lunch. Keep this communication going and review each week. They’ll take it more seriously if they see that you’re going to keep asking.
  • Manage sleep that’s within your control. Early bedtimes on nursery days, quieter days to help catch up with some decent naps, pick them up early from nursery so they’re not exhausted at bedtime.
  • Don’t let them fall asleep on the way home as it will completely screw up bedtime. Keep them awake and get them down asap when home.

I know it can be really frustrating collecting an exhausted heap of glitter and paint covered toddler at the end of the day but chat with nursery and then focus on what you can control when they’re home with you.

Best of luck!

I hope this helps and if you have a question you want to submit? Send an email to with the title PARENT QUESTION and the question in the body.

See you next time


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